Monday, October 01, 2012

Nigeria: Our Parody

Ba pursued us
Than came jealousy's nonsense
With his crocodile walking stick.
Victoria our own and their Elizabeth, smiled at us all
But he came and yakubu'd him
As they dragged him on the streets of Ibadan
With Fajuyi.
I saw Tala
He sent Gow on
While he was pontificating in Kampala
At the palace of African Kings
While our calabash was licking water;
But they shot 'I saw tala', and Akin from the back;
The ugly king came to the throne
and left us to sha (drink) garri
Because our oil had wasted!
We saw abuse,
he jailed them for life
But with big house they removed him
And dribbled all of us and himself.
Mr. 'Show the only one' lasted but some days
Before the butcher came
But he also died
And not long, the man born in wealth.
And left us in the hand of salam,
Who ripped our pots open
but left us in freedom.
He came again, the ugly king
And treated us to comedy;
In his time, Comedy became a profession
And hunger, an occupation, but he tried;
He left us in Prayer
Who suddenly died
Now we have Goodluck and Patience. Praise the Lord!

October 1, 2012
Abuja Nigeria.

The Sun Will Still Rise

No matter how dark the night may be be
Somewhere beneath the clouds or on our skies
Stars blinker, twinkle, sparkle, ripple in gracious glee
Their rays piercing the pupils of our eyes.
We celebrate their lights upon our skies
And the sun, no matter how long
Will soon rise, maybe from the West, East, South or North
But she will rise
For even in the land of the Midnight Sun
The Sun Still rises and still will one day
Upon Nigeria.!