Saturday, September 22, 2012

Tribute to Chima Ubani - Remembered

Sonnet of the Morning Light
(a Tribute to Chima Ubani)

Every glorious turn of history is made
By wheels of sacrifice,hearts of greatness
The tears we shed, the joys we share express
Our being shining before the morning light.

The marks we make on sands of time resound
Our names as fragrance rise above the stress
And what deeds are remembered are no less
Virtues on which nations entrust thier sight.

The flowers fly amidst the sunny sky
And sway above the mortal winds display
The answer to hope is just another why
The world's new light enfolds with love today.

Peoples advance on a culture of change
Men, by living beyond the common range.

Dele-Israel Ikeorha
Kaduna October 19, 2005


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